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Mitch McConnell still refuses to acknowledge a winner in 2020 election
Mitch McConnell acknowledges Biden's election victory
Mitch McConnell Refuses To Accept Election Results During Senate Floor Speech
McConnell: "Quit all the handwringing" about Trump not accepting 2020 election results
Mitch McConnell congratulates Biden and Harris on winning 2020 election
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: 'We will certify the winner of the 2020 election'
Mitch McConnell 'threw things into a new state' by supporting Trump's refusal to concede
McConnell: 'Not Unusual' That GOP Hasn't Acknowledged Biden Victory
Trump slams Mitch McConnell for acknowledging Joe Biden's win
McConnell backs Trump’s refusal to accept election results
Mitch McConnell Acknowledges Joe Biden's Presidential Win
Mitch McConnell recognizes Joe Biden, Kamala Harris victory